Weight Management Hypnosis is a safe and highly successful non-surgical method that is often used over a 4 to 6 week period to help people lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. It functions by lulling you into a peaceful, deep trance and eradicating the negative subconscious habits that have taken over your life. Healthy new patterns and beliefs that you will carry with you after our session to replace them.
Fad diets and miracle cures are ineffective. Hypnosis for weight loss results in long-lasting adjustments to your eating and living habits. Relaxation leads to suggestion. Suggestions can empower people subconsciously. And you reclaim a better, healthier life via empowerment.
Weight Management Hypnosis
The topic of weight management is complex and complicated. There is no quick remedy, despite what you may have read about the newest “miracle diets” or “celebrity detoxes.” Two thirds of Australians, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, are overweight or obese.
So, if you’ve been having trouble managing your weight, you’re not alone. Even though you might think you’ve tried everything when it comes to your weight problems, there is a highly successful, safe, and gentle approach you may not have thought of. Weight loss hypnosis.
Hypnosis for weight loss is a non-invasive, safe method
It can be used for four to six weeks to help people lose weight and keep it off. How it works is by lulling you into a peaceful, deep trance and eradicating the negative subconscious habits that have taken over your life. Healthy new patterns and beliefs that you will carry with you after our session to replace them. Fad diets and miracle cures are ineffective. Hypnosis for weight loss results in long-lasting adjustments to your eating and living habits. Relaxation leads to suggestion. Suggestions can empower people subconciously. And you reclaim a better, healthier life via empowerment.
While many people are successful in reducing weight quickly, they frequently struggle to keep it off, which is where hypnotherapy can help.
An analysis of 60 trials on obesity and weight loss that was published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology came to the conclusion that “the addition of hypnosis greatly boosted treatment outcome.” Even after their hypnosis sessions were over, the patients kept losing weight.

Virtual Gastric Banding Expectations
A weight loss hypnosis method called “Virtual Gastric Band Therapy” will help you lose weight in a secure and all-natural approach by helping you reframe and alter your eating habits. This programme lasts for four weeks, and each session is customised for each client. It combines clinical therapeutic NLP, and cognitive behavioural therapy to help you alter your eating patterns and lose weight in a permanent and healthy way.
This non-invasive technique entails four hypnotherapy sessions. Your brain creates the illusion that the stomach is smaller than it actually is under hypnosis, reinforcing improvements and breaking bad habits. As a result, there is a virtual restriction on food consumption, which causes weight loss. Following the procedure, CBT is used to provide some reinforcements for the management of anxiety.
Encourage changes to bad eating habits and alterations in behaviour during the short and long-term
Ten good reasons to think yourself thinner through Virtual Gastric Banding.
- No invasive surgery.
- Safe and pain free.
- Cost effective.
- Ideal for people who have pre- diabetes, diabetes 2, high blood pressure joint issues.
- You physically eat smaller amounts.
- Safely and easily lose weight naturally.
- You become more fit and active.
- Most people experience positive changes from the very first session.
- Virtual Gastric Banding weight loss system is completely safe and gives very safe, very predictable results.
This procedure can be undertaken quickly and privately, without the lengthy delay of hospital waiting lists. And of course involves no costly, invasive surgery, no risks and no on-going medical treatment.
Regular Reinforcement:
Many patients benefit from periodic maintenance sessions to reinforce the hypnotic suggestions and address any lapses. These sessions can be scheduled monthly or quarterly, depending on the individual’s needs.
Support and Motivation:
Maintenance sessions also provide an opportunity to receive continued support and motivation from the hypnotherapist, helping to navigate any challenges that arise.
Techniques Used in Hypnosis for Virtual Gastric Banding
Virtual Gastric Banding (VGB) is a hypnosis technique designed to simulate the effects of gastric band surgery without the physical intervention. This method leverages the power of the mind to create a psychological state that mirrors the restrictive feeling of a smaller stomach, aiding in weight loss. Here’s an in-depth look at the techniques used, the typical number of sessions required, success rates, and maintenance strategies.
Techniques Used in Virtual Gastric Banding Hypnosis
Induction of Hypnosis:
- Deep Relaxation: The process begins with the hypnotherapist guiding the patient into a state of deep relaxation. Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and guided imagery are often used.
- Hypnotic Induction: This involves focusing the patient’s attention inward and increasing their receptivity to suggestions.
Suggestion Therapy:
- Visualization: The patient is led to visualize undergoing the actual gastric band surgery. This includes detailed imagery of the surgical process, such as the feeling of the band being fitted around their stomach.
- Reinforcement: Positive suggestions are given to reinforce the idea that their stomach is now smaller, leading to reduced hunger and quicker satiety.
Cognitive Restructuring:
- Behavioral Changes: The hypnotherapist introduces suggestions for healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. This includes visualizing making healthy food choices and feeling satisfied with smaller portions.
- Mindful Eating: Patients are encouraged to eat mindfully, paying attention to hunger cues and eating slowly.
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions:
- Long-term Impact: Suggestions are given that continue to influence the patient’s behavior outside of the hypnosis sessions, reinforcing the feeling of fullness and the desire to maintain a healthy diet.
Number of Sessions Required
- Initial Program: Typically, a virtual gastric banding program consists of 4 to 6 sessions spread over several weeks. The first session usually focuses on induction and the initial gastric band visualization, while subsequent sessions reinforce the suggestions and address any emerging challenges.
- Follow-up Sessions: Depending on the individual’s progress, additional follow-up sessions may be recommended to reinforce the new eating habits and ensure long-term success.
Success Rates
- Short-term Success: Studies indicate a high success rate in the short term. A 2011 study by the Hull University in the UK reported that 95% of participants experienced significant weight loss within the first few months of the treatment.
- Long-term Success: Long-term success rates vary. Some studies report that about 70-80% of participants maintain their weight loss after one year. However, maintaining these results often requires ongoing reinforcement and commitment to the new lifestyle changes.
Maintenance Sessions
- Regular Reinforcement: Many patients benefit from periodic maintenance sessions to reinforce the hypnotic suggestions and address any lapses. These sessions can be scheduled monthly or quarterly, depending on the individual’s needs.
- Support and Motivation: Maintenance sessions also provide an opportunity to receive continued support and motivation from the hypnotherapist, helping to navigate any challenges that arise.
Should I Try Virtual Gastric Banding?
Virtual gastric banding through hypnosis is a promising non-surgical alternative for weight loss, utilizing deep relaxation, suggestion therapy, cognitive restructuring, and post-hypnotic suggestions to simulate the effects of gastric band surgery. With an initial program of 4 to 6 sessions and periodic maintenance, many individuals achieve significant weight loss and maintain their results over time. Short-term success rates are notably high, with studies indicating up to 95% effectiveness, while long-term success varies but remains substantial, often around 70-80%.
Ultimately, the key to sustained success with VGB hypnosis is a commitment to ongoing lifestyle changes and regular reinforcement through maintenance sessions. For those struggling with weight loss, virtual gastric banding offers a viable and effective solution without the risks associated with surgical procedures. Reaching out to a qualified hypnotherapist can be the first step towards achieving lasting health and wellness.